Fund Prices

Solid Growth Fund

SEDOL Number 43493 Fund Number 18

Primarily invested in UK fixed interest securities.

price data at most recent available valuation date 09/10/2024
Bid Price1.8812
Offer Price1.9802
Change on last valuation -1.09% ▼

Please note the figures shown are the most up to date for the fund. Engage mutual works on a forward pricing basis. A forward price is the price calculated at the next valuation point after Engage has received and accepted your instruction to buy or sell units.

Historic price data

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If the date you choose is not a valuation date the information will be based on the most recent valuation date prior to this.

For this fund the information we hold online goes back to 17/02/1993. For any other information on this fund please call us on 0800 169 4321.

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Prices explained

offer price:
the price you pay for units.
bid price:
the price your units are valued at when you cash them in. Please note: when you cash in, the amount you receive will be based on the bid price on the next valuation date.

Your investment

The value of investments linked to these funds can fall as well as rise and you could get back less than you have paid in.
The sterling value of any overseas assets in these funds may also rise and fall as a result of exchange rate fluctuations.

This fund achieves its investment objective by investing in Vanguard U.K. Gilt UCITS ETF. Click on the fund name for further information on how this underlying fund is invested, its objectives, past performance and charges.

The information we provide should help you to make an informed decision as OneFamily doesn't provide advice. If you're not sure whether our product is suitable, it's worth speaking to an independent financial advisor (IFA).

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